Registo Nacional de Ensaios Clínicos (RNEC)
Eudralex Vol. 10 - Clinical Trial Guidelines
The portuguese version of the Clinical Trial Toolkit is an interactive route map that will guide you through the main procedures for the design and implementation of a clinical research project. It features the standard study procedures along with more detailed information available for every trial phase (in development ).
This tool is a national guideline intended to serve as a suggestion only.
This tool is a national guideline intended to serve as a suggestion only.
Useful links
PtCRIN would like to acknowledge all those who contributed with their time and expertise in the revision of this project and for all their valuable suggestions:
Susana Esteves (IPO Lisboa), Ana Ramalhinho e Rosa Saraiva (CHCB), Marta Abreu (Roche), Valentina Inversen (EUCO/NorCRIN) and Márcio Barra (IMM).