IPO-Porto is currently a reference centre for Clinical Trials performed in Portugal in the large majority of pathologies treated in the institution. The Clinical Research Unit supports the execution of Clinical Trials with Experimental Pharmaceuticals or Medical Devices and Observational Studies/Non-Interventional.
Contact person: José Dinis, MD; Joana Maia, PharmD
E-mail: clinicalstudies@ipoporto.min-saude.pt
Phone:  +351 225 084 000 Ext: 2501 / 7298
Center Website:  http://www.ipoporto.pt/en/ensino-investigacao/unidade-de-investigacao-clinica-2/
As a Clinical Research Center (CRC), IPO-P provides to the clinical investigators the necessary infrastructure and services for the support from the concept idea until the efficient conduct of high quality clinical research to perform clinical trials. This center has dedicated Clinical Research Staff, High quality Equipment centred in the patients and their needs. IPO Porto Clinical Trial Unit is the appropriate partner to host clinical studies from Phase I to IV.

The Clinical Trials Unit of IPOP is a research unit hosted by the Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto Francisco Gentil, the largest specialized Portuguese cancer institution with a triple role: patient care, research and teaching in Oncology, created in the beginning of 2006 and located on the 5th floor of the Medicine Building, has the following primary objectives: attract to IPO-Porto the best Clinical Trials in the world; support their execution, monitor the compliance of the respective protocols and procedures, promoting involvement of the largest possible number of professionals in the institution.

As a consequence of the work developed, supported by a professionalized team, a progressive and sustained growth of Clinical Trials and patients recruited has been registered, reducing the implementation time, with the consequent gain in competitiveness. For these reasons, IPO-Porto is currently a reference centre for Clinical Trials performed in Portugal in the large majority of pathologies treated in the institution. Being present at the highest level of Clinical Trials demands great discipline and dedication from all professionals. The Clinical Research Unit expects to maintain, in the next few years, the sustained growth in performance and encourage participation in Clinical Trials in even earlier phases (Phase I and II), namely with the creation of a specific unit for Phase I Trials.

The main aim is to collaborate in the development of more efficient therapies of cancer by participating in multicentre, carefully designed clinical trials.
The unit supports most clinical departments of IPO-Porto in their participation in international clinical trials, namely those promoted by the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), by collaborative groups, by the pharmaceutical industry, or investigator initiated trials.


The Clinical Trials Unit of IPOP is hosted by a public Hospital with a separate financial management department (from de Hospital Administration) with competences and experience needed to support the negotiation and submission of the clinical trials contracts in the hospital, including patients expenses.

IPOP has rooms for patients (outpatient clinical trial visits), dedicated rooms/offices for the CT coordination and Monitorization, dedicated area in the Pharmacy and an archive area. It is a total area of about 1.000m2. All the facilities ensure equipment specifically allocated to clinical trials.

All the team related to the Clinical trial is trained on a regular basis in GCP: Physicians, Pharmacists, Study nurses, Study coordinators.

Website and a dedicated webpage with a List of clinical trials recruiting or soon to be opened for recruitment at IPOP website; Mailing list and List of recruiting clinical trials sent to specialist of other hospitals.

The Clinical Trials Unit of IPOP is a certified Clinical Research Center by Caspe Healthcare Knowledge Systems (CHKS) according to ISO9001:2008

- Centralized Submission
- Financial Management
- Centralized Implementation : Set-up, Conduct, Completion/ close-out
- Investigational Medicinal Product Management (Pharmacy department)
- Management of Biological Samples 
- Project Management
- Monitoring
- Statistics
- Quality Control
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