- Hospital de S. José
- Hospital de S. António dos Capuchos
- Hospital de Sta Marta
- Hospital D. Estefânia
- Hospital Curry Cabral
- Maternidade Alfredo da Costa

Contact person: Luís Pereira da Silva, MD, PhD; Margarida Borges, MD
E-mail: centro.investigacao@chlc.min-saude.pt;ensaiosclinicos@chlc.min-saude.pt
Phone: +351 213 126 767 (ext. 51767); +351 213 514 410 (Commercial Clinical Trials)
Center Website: http://www.chlc.min-saude.pt/contentlist.aspx?menuid=469
As a Clinical Research Center (CRC), CHLC aims at providing to the clinical investigators the necessary infrastructure for the efficient conduct of high quality clinical research to perform clinical trials (intervention and observational studies) from all medical specialties.
CHLC has a Clinical Research Unit to promote and support methodologically the clinical research developed in CHLC, particularly projects of investigator initiative (academic projects). In addition, it helps researchers’ search for financial funding and application submission.
CHLC has also The Clinical Pharmacology Unit (UFC) integrated in the Medicine Department with the main purposes to analyse medical prescription of the hospital and propose the implementation of measures to increase compliance with National and local guidelines. UFC is the interface of the hospital with Health Ministry Departments in what regards monitoring of medical prescription.
UFC has also the mission of receive and support Commercial clinical investigation. For the moment the Unit centralises the submission and negotiation of pharmaceutical/industry studies and elaborates a recommendation to the Board.
The CHLC is a public Hospital with a centralized financial management in the Hospital Administration Board, to support the negotiation and submission of clinical trials contracts in the hospital.
Application and negotiation of industry sponsored clinical trials contracts are submitted to and approved by the CHLC Administration Board, with involvement of the Ethical Committee, the Clinical Pharmacology Unit and Financial Department of CHLC.
The Research unit has a dedicated department. All the facilities for commercial clinical trials are common to care activities but all ensure equipment specifically allocated for clinical trials (when applicable).
Clinical trial staff trained on a regular basis in GCP;
Communication with scientific community: Intranet webpage and mailing list.
No certification for the Clinical trial center/units, CHLC is a hospital accredited by Caspe Healthcare Knowledge System (CHKS) in general.
- Decentralized Implementation: Set-up, Conduct, Completion/ close-out
- Investigational medicinal product management (pharmacy department);
- Statistics
- Management of biological samples