Centro Hospitalar Universitátio da Cova da Beira (CHUCB) is a Public Hospital, unit of the Portuguese National Health Service that comprises a modern and innovative hospital unit, being a reference institution that provides health care of excellence to the population residing in the municipalities of Covilhã, Fundão, Belmonte and Penamacor
Contact person: Miguel Castelo Branco Craveiro de Sousa, MD, PhD, Ana Ramalhinho, PhD
E-mail: acramalhinho@chcbeira.min-saude.pt
Phone: +351 275 330 000 (ext. 11401)
Center Website: https://www.chcbeira.min-saude.pt/
As a Clinical Research Center (CRC), CHCB aims at providing the clinical investigators with necessary infrastructure and services for the support from the concept idea until the efficient conduct of high quality clinical research to perform clinical trials. This CRC is extremely motivated for clinical research and value IDCT as a way to benefit patients.replica de relojes
The Cova da Beira Hospital Centre has a structure created to develop a policy of incentive to the growth of research projects, the Clinical Research Centre. The Clinical Research Center is divided in Research and Innovation Office and Clinical Trials Office.
The Research and Innovation Office of Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira, EPE, is a research unit, set up under the Board of Directors of CHCB, EPE, and is dedicated to scientific research in the field of health, the provision of services to the community and the disclosure and application of the results of that research. These functions are undertaken through the development of research projects in health carried out by Office researchers.
Clinical Trials Office was created to promote, coordinate and support the performance of clinical trials at the Cova da Beira Hospital Centre.
- Establish contact with the Promoters, Monitors and Regulatory Authorities of Clinical Trials
- Assess the feasibility of the Clinical Trials proposed at CHCB
- Follow-up the submission and approval process of the Clinical Trials by the Board of Directors
- Coordinate the planning and performance of the Clinical Trials at CHCB
- Support the Researchers and Research Teams of CHCB
- Fomenting scientific and technological knowledge is an ever-present objective, to do more and better Research, to promote more and better Innovation.
- Establish and enhance partnerships with Research Organisations, with emphasis on the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Beira Interior, coordinating know-how and experiences as instruments of improvement of the actual health system.
Always respecting ethics and deontology, as well as good clinical practices, the Cova da Beira Hospital Centre seeks to add value to Research activities, and has prepared a research development plan for 2014 in various areas, with emphasis on Quality and Security, Cardio and Cerebrovascular Disease, Mastology, Breast Feeding, Peripartum Ambience, Inflammation and Pain, Genital Ecobiomics, Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption, Food Allergies in Children, Childhood Obesity, Vitamin D, Telemonitoring and Telemedicine, Information on Medications and Gastric Adenocarcinoma, among others.
The CHCB is a public Hospital with a centralized financial management in the Hospital Administration, to support the negotiation and submission of the clinical trials contracts in the hospital.
2 offices for the clinical trials coordination and management and 1 room dedicated to clinical trials in the Pharmacy Services.
All the team related to the Clinical trial. Detailed information in the Institution website.
The Clinical Research Center which includes the Research and Innovation Office and the Clinical Trials Office is a certified Clinical Research Center by Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, namely in the Human Subject Research Programs (HRP).
- Centralized project management : Set-up, Conduct, Completion/ close-out
- Investigational medicinal product management (pharmacy department);
- Statistics
- Management of biological samples
- Quality control